Who We Are

Atira Women’s Resource Society is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women.


Atira’s programs are accessible to anyone who identifies and lives full time as a woman and who experiences gendered violence and misogyny, including trans, two spirit and intersex women and or those who identify with a femme of centre non-binary gender. Atira recognizes the barriers and stigmatization faced by women who do not fit into society’s gender-binary system and the violence, poverty and discrimination they encounter as a result.


At present, more than 38% of our staff identify as indigenous or of indigenous ancestry, and 33% as women of colour. Both indigenous and women of colour are represented on Atira’s management and leadership teams. We have staff ranging in age from 21 to 72 years. Lesbian, bisexual, transgender women, queer and femme of centre gender non-binary staff as well as women who are immigrants and or refugees are also represented on our staffing team.


Atira believes that having a representative staff is the most important action an agency can take to make its services accessible and to authentically engage our tenants and the women who access our programs. This commitment is solidified through hiring policy and practice. Atira hires staff who represent the diversity of women living in the Lower Mainland and more specifically, staff who reflect the diversity of women accessing our housing, programs and services.